Archive for February, 2007

Lark@Mercury Live, Cape Town

Posted: February 17, 2007 in Gig Reviews

What do Lark sound like? Well think of Bjork, Kate Bush, Portishead (insert any other artist/band with a vocalist that doesnt want to be mariah carey here) and you will have a nice lazy stereotype, but no actual clue as to how they really sound, so best to check them out for yourself china!

Most of the people in attendance at the Mercury on Saturday 19th seemed to be pretty clued up already, which isn’t too suprising for a band that long ago sold out their debut EP (despite some stunning incompotence from some of the major music retailers in South Africa – as long as you’ve got the new Jay Z though eh guys!). However, I couldn’t help but think that Lark’s sound is too big for smaller venues.

If you ever visit Cape Town, go out and check The Real Estate Agents, Lark, Max Normal, The Considerate Builders Scheme, or one of the many other talented underground acts. Then, wake up the next morning and turn on your radio and don’t turn it off until you hear one of these local acts. In fact, don’t turn it off until you hear anything south african – even Steve Hofmeyr for f**ks sake, and you’ll die listening to your radio.