Archive for February, 2012

Burial: Kindred EP

Posted: February 15, 2012 in Opinion, Record Reviews

I bought the Street Halo EP on sight and was disappointed to say the least when I heard it. Part of the problem was that it was the first Burial release I bought on vinyl. I discovered Burial when I was making my first tentative steps into discovering dubstep. Having found a lot of stuff a bit cold and clinical, Burial’s pops, scratches and glitches, along with the warmth and other-worldliness of his sound was a godsend. I quickly snapped up all his back catalogue on emusic. However, I had no plans to put these tracks in a mix, just to listen to them (which despite seeming blindingly obvious, I have to remind myself on a daily basis that this is primarily what music is for).

I got my hands on a lot of music over January, so I’m going to break my review section into chunks. Here we go with a review of the podcasts and mixes I got my grubby little mitts on.