30 Day Challenge

In a vain attempt to get this thing up and started, I’ve decided to do a 30 day challenge. So here it is, feel free to give it a go yourself, let me know in the comments if you do.

  1. Earliest musical memory
  2. Dream festival line-up
  3. Favourite Musical Decade
  4. Important album from each decade (or half decade) of your life
  5. Album/tune/genre that existed in your lifetime but you missed out on
  6. Album/Artist you secretly enjoy but would never admit it
  7. Tune that makes you happy
  8. Tune that you sulk too
  9. Tune that makes you want to commit crimes
  10. Tune that makes you want to get trashed
  11. Muscial turn ons
  12. Musical turn offs
  13. itunes shuffle – review the first 5 tunes that get played
  14. 5 of your most favourite albums in your itunes
  15. 5 of your least favourite albums in your itunes
  16. if you could have written any album or tune in history which would you chose?
  17. dead artist you would have loved to have seen live
  18. name someone famous that irritates the shit out of you and what you’d play them on loop to pay them back
  19. name your favourite 5 sports/hobbies/activities, and the ideal tune to accompany each one
  20. overall band/artist that has influenced you or impacted your life
  21. one for the audiophiles – favourite format and why (vinyl, CD, cassette etc?)
  22. instrument you wished you could play and someone you wish you could play it like?
  23. music genre or album you feel you should like but just don’t get
  24. favourite one hit wonder?
  25. what would music would you have playing when you entered the ring if you were a boxer
  26. what music would you have played at your funeral
  27. what music would you have played at someone you don’t like’s funeral
  28. tune that you love but nobody else gets
  29. best gig you’ve ever been too
  30. worst gig you’ve ever been too

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