Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category

Burial: Kindred EP

Posted: February 15, 2012 in Opinion, Record Reviews

I bought the Street Halo EP on sight and was disappointed to say the least when I heard it. Part of the problem was that it was the first Burial release I bought on vinyl. I discovered Burial when I was making my first tentative steps into discovering dubstep. Having found a lot of stuff a bit cold and clinical, Burial’s pops, scratches and glitches, along with the warmth and other-worldliness of his sound was a godsend. I quickly snapped up all his back catalogue on emusic. However, I had no plans to put these tracks in a mix, just to listen to them (which despite seeming blindingly obvious, I have to remind myself on a daily basis that this is primarily what music is for).

In order to keep the content fresh and have another opinion other than mine (i.e. a wrong one), I’ve let my little brother Dave give me the low down on three of his favourite drummers right now. This also means that I’m guaranteed to increase my blog traffic by 100% as now he will read this post as well as me – BONUS! You can follow him on

I’m not too sure how to approach this one. In terms of what I’ve experienced, I was alive for 7 months of the 70s (if you remember the 70s, you weren’t there as the old saying goes), I spent the early part of the 80s dribbling a lot and not making much sense (like Bez but without the moves, although I probably had some maracas), the teens or whatever the current decade is called has only just begun, so that really leaves only the 90s and the noughties (terrible name).

It took me all day to come up with this line-up, and I know I’ve missed loads. Saying that, if I paid for a ticket and got all this, I’d get over it.

I remember my Mum playing me Beethoven’s 6th symphony, while reading my the complete works of Shakespeare and doing a soothing dance while I was still in the womb. I feel this has shaped me into the person I am today. Ok, so maybe not, but she didn’t play me any Cliff Richard either, and for that I am eternally grateful.

I probably did hear more than my fair share of classical music as a child though. My Grandpa was a composer and I can remember sitting and listening to him playing the piano a lot. Weirdly enough, I have a really vivid memory of me, Mum and Dad (and my Nana I assume), sat around his piano while he played music. There was some sort of air-raid siren going off outside, and it felt like we expecting a bomb to drop at any moment. However, as I didn’t grow up during World War II I suspect this is more likely a bastardisation of a lot of childhood memories (and from watching too many war films with my Grandad).